

The Buying Group was set up in 1969 to complement the technical service.

Having decided on the technically correct solution, J.K.Senior and Sons then look for the most competitive price of the active ingredient on the market.

If alternatives exist because of mixes with other actives that achieve the same job, then these are also priced and compared

Only chemicals on the current Approvals List are considered.

Farmer buying from the buying group
Spreading fertiliser in a field from a tractor



Fertilisers were added to the Buying Group in 1989 and cover Nitrogen (English,Imported,Liquid and Urea), straight Phosphorus (P), straight Potassium (K) and Compounds both solid and liquid.

Only materials that have good quality and spreadability are considered.

During 1998 cereals and oilseed rape seeds were added to the Buying Group covering all varieties. Cultural and variety options are also considered.

Join Our Group

The Buying Groups main points are :

One Stop Shop
Up to 20% Savings
Competitive and Transparent Pricing
Dedicated and Experienced Admin Team
Fast Computerised Ordering System
Monthly Invoice Check List
BASIS, FACTS and ICM Qualified

Buying Group members can also benefit from a 15% discount on Spaldings purchases.

JK Seniors buying group helps farmers reduce costs